
Lovemaking has many benefits to the body. Women become more and more beautiful with it.

The saying that women who have experienced lovemaking become more beautiful is true. What are the benefits of lovemaking for the body?   1. Better relationship with partner: Lovemaking is an intimate thing for couples and it binds the two together on an emotional level. A study showed that those who had compatible emotions in their relationship enjoyed more pleasure from lovemaking than those who just saw it as a physical need.   2. Improved Mood: According to experts, those who engaged in more lovemaking have fewer mental issues such as loneliness, anxiety and anger, since they are in a more stable mood and less inclined to argue with their partners. Furthermore, the improved mood owes much to the release of “happy hormones” during lovemaking; so the more frequent one engages in it, the happier he or she will be!   3. Becoming More Beautiful: Having sex can make you beautiful too! If we look at this scientifically, there is an apparent link between lovemaking and having a “glow” on one’s face; due to increased blood circulation when engaging in it, which brings blood to your cheeks and hence gives them a rosy hue – this explains why everyone says that “lovemaking makes you prettier”.   4. Increased Pain Tolerance: In a study done by Stanford University, USA; it was found that there was an undeniable link between “pain” and “emotional attachment” – whereby when participants viewed pictures of their loved ones, pain tolerance decreased by 44%. Hence, when people engage in lovemaking with their partner, emotional attachment increases and subsequently so does pain tolerance.   5. Higher Risk of Urinary Tract Infections for Women: Lovemaking does not only bring about positives; but may also lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs). One of the most dreaded problems faced by many women worldwide; health professionals state that regular sexually active women run almost certain risk of having UTIs due to bacteria found around genital areas being transferred during sexual intercourse; hence after making love, one should take care to wash his/her private area properly in order to avoid further complications.   6. Enhances Urination: Feeling like wanting to pee all the time even after peeing is something every woman has encountered at some point; feeling full even after peeing too often happens because of engorgement around G-spot causing pressure on bladder thus giving that urge to go again and again.