
Why do women experience lower back pain after having sexual intercourse?

It is normal for men and women to have sexual intercourse, which is a good way for adults to promote their relationship. However, if not paying attention when having sexual intercourse, various discomforts may occur easily. For example, lower back pain often happens after sex, which makes women feel very uncomfortable. It is suggested that women should understand the reasons behind it. So why do women experience lower back pain after sex?

One possible reason why some women get lower back pain after sexual intercourse is due to gynecological tumors such as endometrial cancer. When suffering from this disease, many women have experienced lower back pain after having sexual intercourse because during the process of making love, the female genital organs will engorge with blood and cause the tumor to press on a nerve.

In addition, muscle fatigue of the waist is also one of the causes because when having sexual intercourse, power from waist needs to be used and if indulging in lust too much will lead to tense muscles in waist resulting in muscle fatigue and eventually causing lower back pain.

When experiencing lower back pain after making love, people must find ways to alleviate it:

First of all, detailed examination should be done since there are many causes of lower back pain and measures need to be taken according to its origin so as to cure faster. Therefore once finding any sign of lower back Pain after making love one must go to hospital without hesitation;

Secondly regular exercise should be done not only for improving physical fitness but also increasing physical strength since excessive movement or postures wrongfully adopted by some women may lead to lower back pain after making love;

Lastly resting more often should also be done when receiving such condition allowing muscles relax while hot compress massage etc can also be adopted for relieving tension in waist muscles as well as treating muscle fatigue problems caused by overindulgence in lustful activities. Furthermore it is reminded that always keeping warm is essential especially for those who experience frequent low-back pains since coldness may worsen such situation like immediately taking shower right after making love which leads body temperature drop down resulting in catching chill easily due to sweating heavily during that session.